American Venous Forum
The AVF and C-TRACT have entered into an important partnership to increase awareness of the NIH-funded C-TRACT trial. The mission of AVF is to support cutting edge research and clinical innovations as well as to educate health care professionals, patients, and policy makers about venous and lymphatic disease(see AVF website: www.veinforum.org ). The C-TRACT Trial is also perfectly aligned with the outstanding historical accomplishments of the AVF in driving forward rigorous venous outcome assessment, and in offering a robust forum for presentation and discussion of new research into endovascular venous interventions.
In partnership with C-TRACT leadership, AVF has launched a number of outreach initiatives to identify investigators and sites to participate in the study, encourage enrollment in the trial, and promote the study across the country. Initiatives have included e-mail communications with members, features from AVF leaders and C-TRACT investigators in Vein Specialist eNewsletter, and active partnership to align the March 2020 C-TRACT investigator meeting with the AVF 2020 Scientific Meetings in Amelia Island, Florida. AVF President Dr. Brajesh Lal has also provided his personal leadership endorsement of the study, which we believe will be very impactful in enhancing the value of supporting the study within the medical community.

Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation
SIR Foundation is a scientific foundation dedicated to fostering research in interventional radiology for the purposes of advancing scientific knowledge, increasing the number of skilled investigators, and developing innovative therapies that lead to improved patient care and quality of life. The foundation is committed to fostering the development and enhancement of innovative, minimally invasive, image-guided therapies from inception to mature clinical application and to conduct educational programs in the service of its mission.
SIR Foundation has partnered with the C-TRACT network to raise awareness about the trial opportunity throughout their 7,000+ membership including specialists, fellows, and students involved in all aspects of interventional radiology. Qualified investigators are encouraged to consider participation in the network as a performance site and refer potentially eligible patients. SIR Foundation continues to support the C-TRACT trial through features on their organization’s webpage (https://www.sirfoundation.org/clinical-research2/clinical-trials/c-tract/, annual scientific meetings, and social media posts.

The North American Thrombosis Forum
The North American Thrombosis Forum (NATF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by blood clots and related diseases. Through their comprehensive resources and innovative programming, NATF (https://natfonline.org/) strives to educate patients and healthcare providers about thrombosis and its complications. Their multi-disciplinary approach to thrombotic disease enhances education, awareness, advocacy, research, prevention, and diagnosis for patients and health care providers.
NATF has launched a number of outreach initiatives to raise awareness about C-TRACT throughout its membership. This has included inviting C-TRACT study leaders to present information about post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) and the C-TRACT study to VTE support group members via their on-line patient support forum. NATF has also supported recruitment and awareness through social media outreach, website (https://natfonline.org/patients/clinical-trials/) postings, eNewsletters, and at professional conferences.

National Blood Clot Alliance
The National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) is a non-profit, voluntary health organization dedicated to advancing the prevention, early diagnosis and successful treatment of life-threatening blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and clot-provoked stroke. NBCA (https://www.stoptheclot.org/) works on behalf of people who may be susceptible to blood clots, including, but not limited to, people with clotting disorders, atrial fibrillation, cancer, traumatic injury, and risks related to surgery, lengthy immobility, childbirth and birth control. NBCA accomplishes its mission through programs that build public awareness, educate patients and healthcare professionals, and promote supportive public and private sector policy.
C-TRACT is appreciative of the on-going support of NBCA to raise awareness about post-thrombotic syndrome, the importance of research participation to improve treatment outcomes for patients post-DVT, and the trial opportunity. NBCA continues to raise awareness about the trial through social media posts as well as features on the NBCA website (https://www.stoptheclot.org/news/c-tract-study/) and member eNewsletter (April 2019).

The American Vein & Lymphatic Society
The American Vein & Lymphatic Society (formerly the American College of Phlebology) is a premier association for physicians and allied health professionals dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of venous and lymphatic disease. AVLS (https://www.myavls.org/) seeks to improve the standards of medical practitioners, the quality of patient care and the level of assistance practitioners can access. Health professionals can use the AVLS as a forum to exchange medical knowledge, access one-on-one, group and online training, accredited continuing medical education (CME) or access resources to help with practice and patient management. The AVLS is comprised of 2,000 vein care professionals, setting the pace and direction for the growth of the field of vein and lymphatic medicine.
Through their strong on-line presence and publications (print and eNewsletters), AVLS has encouraged members to get involved with C-TRACT through features in VEIN magazine, Endovascular Today, AVLS VeinLine and Google Podcasts. C-TRACT information was featured at the October 2019 AVLS Annual Congress.

Society of Vascular Medicine
The Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM) is a professional organization with the goal to improve the integration of vascular biological advances into medical practice, and to maintain high standards of clinical vascular medicine. SVM promotes and advances the discipline of vascular medicine and the care of patients with vascular disease through specialized post-graduate training programs, continuing medical education programs, fostering research in vascular medicine and biology, promoting interdisciplinary excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease, and serving an advisory role to education institutions, government agencies, and other health care organizations. (https://www.vascularmed.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1).
SVM has continued to provide on-going support for C-TRACT through distribution of trial updates to membership through frequent e-mail and eNewsletter notifications. In addition to on-going SVM leadership and membership support of C-TRACT, SVM has invited C-TRACT study leaders to present at its 2019 annual scientific meeting.