Thank you for your interest in the NIH-sponsored C-TRACT Trial. Every Clinical Center that is part of the C-TRACT must be committed to the success of this study. Based on prior research experience, we have identified some of the key predictors of site success:

  • A motivated site leader. The site Principle Investigator is willing to contribute effort on a regular basis to ensure success.
  • Strong support from a motivated coordinator.
  • Ability to institute a high-volume recruitment plan.
  • Ability to fully execute the protocol.
  • The ability of the study team to clearly articulate the benefits of research participation.
  • Clinical equipoise or an assumption that there is not one ‘better’ intervention which is a necessary feature to ethically enroll patients into clinical trials.

As you complete this site application, please explore the strength of your commitment to this study, and to enable us both to realistically appraise the likelihood of success at your site. The CCC staff and Dr. Vedantham are happy to speak with you directly to help you make this assessment.

Click here to link to the C-TRACT Study Site Questionnaire (no option to save).

Click here for Word version of C-TRACT Study Site Questionnaire that can be used as a worksheet to enter the information on-line or you may return the completed Word document to

To talk to a member of the C-TRACT Trial study team

☎ Call 1-866-974-CLOT (2568)

✉ Send an e-mail note to