Welcome to the C-TRACT Study
Chronic Venous Thrombosis: Relief with Adjunctive Catheter-Directed Therapy
“My patients have significantly benefited from referral to participate in the C-TRACT trial. Not only is the study team easy to work with, they are prompt in contacting our patients and arranging appointments. While interventions related to the study have led to improvements in symptoms, patients that are ultimately found to be ineligible still receive consultations with valuable treatment plans (with both conservative and invasive intervention options).”
Kristen Sanfilippo, MD – Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Internal Medicine – HematologyWashington University in St. Louis
“One of my roles as a physician-investigator is to perform clinical research that will improve the quality of care that we deliver to our patients. Being involved in a large, groundbreaking clinical trial like C-TRACT can lead to fundamental changes in how we think about the disease, which translates to providing care that is supported by the highest-quality evidence.”
Kush R Desai, MD FSIR – Associate Professor of Radiology, Surgery, and Medicine
Division of Interventional Radiology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
American Venous Forum (AVF) – Newsletter
NATF On-line support group – Podcast
The Kinked Wire – Podcast

To talk to a member of the C-TRACT Trial study team
☎ Call 1-866-974-CLOT (2568)
✉ Send an e-mail note to CTRACT@wustl.edu