Principal Investigator: Suresh Vedantham, MD
Title: Chronic Venous Thrombosis: Relief with Adjunctive Catheter-Directed Therapy (C-TRACT)
Objective: Determine if the use of imaging-guided endovascular therapy (EVT) is an effective strategy with which to reduce Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) disease severity and improve quality of life (QOL) in patients with established disabling iliac-obstructive post-thrombotic syndrome (DIO-PTS).
Design: Multicenter, parallel two-arm, assessor-blind, randomized (1:1) clinical trial: EVT versus no-EVT.
Sample Size: 250 patients
Funding: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)/ National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Number of Centers: Approximately 20-40 sites
Trial Inclusion Criteria:
Participants must meet BOTH of these criteria to be eligible for enrollment.
- Disabling (moderate-to-severe) PTS, defined by: a) Presence of chronic venous disease > 3 months duration in a leg with a history of DVT, as determined by the site principal investigator or a physician co-investigator; and b) substantial limitation of daily activities or work capacity due to venous symptoms or an open venous ulcer, per the same investitor; and
- Ipsilateral iliac vein obstruction,documented within 12 months prior to concent by either:
- Occlusion or > 50% stenosis of the iliac vein on venogram, CT venogram, MR venogram, or intravascular ultrasound (IVUS); or
- Air plethysmography showing deep venous obstruction of the ipsilateral leg (reduced venous outflow fraction), and ultrasound showing echogenic material in the ipsilateral iliac vein and non-phasic continuous Doppler flow in the ipsilateral common femoral vein (CFV) in the presence of normal phasic Doppler flow in the contralateral CFV.
Exclusion Criteria:
Participants meeting any of these criteria will be excluded (all times are relative to screening date):
- Age less than 18 years
- Acute ipsilateral proximal DVT episode within the last 3 months, or acute contralateral DVT for which thrombolytic therapy is planned
- Lack of suitable inflow into the ipsilateral common femoral vein (CFV) per the treating physician
- Previous stent placement in the infrarenal IVC or ipsilateral iliac or common femoral vein
- Absence of PTS of at least moderate severty
- Chronic arterial limb ischemia (ankle-brachial index < 0.5 within the previous 1 month) in the ipsilateral leg (if peripheral arterial disease is present or suspect, an ankle-brachial index should be obtained and documented)
- Presence of an open venous ulcer > 50 cm2 area, suspicion for active ulcer infection, or visualization of bone or tendon within the ulcer in the ipsilateral leg
- Inability to tolerate endovascular procedure due to acute illness or general health
- Severe allergy to iodinated contrast refractory to steroid premedication
- Known allergy to stent or catheter components
- Hemoglobin < 8.0 g/dl, uncorrectable INR > 3.0 or platelet count < 75,000/ml
- Severe renal impairment (on chronic dialysis or estimated GFR < 30 ml/min)
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation or other major bleeding diathesis
- Pregnancy (positive pregnancy test)
- Life-expectancy < 6 months or chronically non-ambulatory for reasons other than PTS
- Inability to provide informed consent or to comply with study assessments.